NEPA Stands Up is a grassroots people-powered community organization bringing everyday folks into the political process through collective action. A proud chapter of Pennsylvania Stands Up!
We organize for power; recruiting, training, and running transformative candidates for local offices and co-governing with electeds to change the lives of everyday people who live in NEPA.

Our Wins
Our Teams

Comms Team
Volunteer Director—Dom Santiago
Our Comms Team is responsible for every push notification that ever interrupted your scrolling to let you know that we added something new to our Instagram story. From social media to press coverage, and the emails we send in between, our Comms Team is responsible for developing the narrative and communications strategy of our chapter.
Got something to say? Stand up and speak out with our Comms Team the 1st Monday of every month at 6PM.

Movement Politics Team
Chair: Anthony Distler
NEPA Stands Up is committed to recruiting, training, and running transformative candidates for local offices in the communities they live in. Our volunteers knock doors, make calls, write postcards, and strategize!
We deserve elected officials that represent us. Join Our Movement Politics Team the 4th Monday of every month at 5PM.

LGBTQ Committee
Chair: Alec Walker-Serrano
The NEPA Stands Up LGBTQ Committee is dedicated to protecting queer and trans youth in schools, lobbying local and statewide legislators to pass protections for LGBTQ folks in our communities, and developing workshops for political education for our allies and supporters who will stand with us and demand better for us.
In our community, everyone belongs. Join our LGBTQ Committee the 3rd Monday of every month at 6PM.

Fall Listening Team
The Fall Listening Campaign is an opportunity to survey the broader community and to ask them about the issues that are most important to them. Pennsylvanians across the state are disenfranchised and fed up with the political system. All too often, our politicians don’t take time to listen to their own constituents and hear the everyday struggles people are facing. As PA Stands Up thinks about what work to focus on in 2024 and beyond, our conversations with PA residents during the 2023 Fall Listening campaign will inform what direction our future work takes.

Housing Committee
Housing is a human right, and everyone deserves to live with dignity. NEPA Stands Up is currently forming a Housing Committee to continue the work we’ve done to win $125M for Whole-Home Repairs and $50M in recurring funding, as well as standing up for some of the most vulnerable neighbors in our community.
Join the NEPA Stands Up Housing Committee by reaching out to Holly VanWert at holly@pastandsup.org.

Whole Home Repairs Implementation
Our members lead the WHR campaign to demonstrate our power in co-governance with movement electeds and strategize on ways to keep Pennsylvanians in our county safe in their homes.
Bi-weekly on Wednesdays 6:45pm