Statement: We’ll Keep Fighting For Working Families, Come What May


PA Stands Up

Carrie Santoro, Executive Director of Pennsylvania Stands Up, issued the following statement as the polls closed on election day:

“We’re fighting like hell to make sure working families have the tools and opportunities we need to build good lives for ourselves and our families. That means lowering costs on things like healthcare and energy, and taking on corporate price gouging. While Democrats are passing legislation like the Inflation Reduction Act to bring prices down for working people, corporations are bragging about raising prices while raking in record profits, and their sycophantic Republican politicians are helping billionaires dodge the taxes they owe. Republicans are not on the side of working families, and they’ll do anything – including attacking our freedom to vote and overthrowing an election – to aide and abet corporate price gouging, gut social security and ban abortion. Pennsylvania voters won’t fall for it. We understand that election day isn’t results day, and in the coming days, we’re ready to make sure every single one of our votes are counted.”

To interview Carrie Santoro, contact Ashleigh Strange at As races are called by major independent news agencies, PA Stands Up will issue further statements about the results.

Photo Description: PA Stands Up Canvasser Brenda Johnson talks to a voter in Scranton.