Stand Up For Democracy!


News You Can Use

Hey Friends, 

This is PA Stands Up’s new Distributed Organizer, Briana Rodriguez  –  Which means we are about to get into a whole lot of “good” trouble together! I work alongside Hannah, Mary, and Edwin in the Communications and Narrative Department. I’m super excited for some of the work that PASU has been doing and will continue to do. As we step into a new presidential term, we will continue to hold powerful political figures accountable for delivering to the people who put them there. You know, people like us.  

As we get closer to the Presidential election (39 days, but who’s counting?) I want to share something to help ground ourselves at this moment. We are living in someone else’s wildest, craziest dreams made reality. Today, we find ourselves in a world created by corporations and empires built on the backs of poor and middle class labor, slavery, and genocide. But there is a secret they won’t share – WE have the power to create a world of our imagination – where we live in a true democracy, where our quality of life is not dependent on the benevolence of the few, where we care for our neighbors and our neighbors care for us.  

And it starts with you. It starts with us.  

So, what now? Well, PASU has made a  $#!+- ton of calls already (13,000 calls last Thursday alone, but again, who’s counting?) and will continue to do so in the next few weeks to get people out to vote in the election to keep the future of our democracy safe from fascism. We have also been laying a lot of groundwork in the local arena – focusing on getting statehouse  candidates that care about Pennsylvania and our people elected!  

If you want to join our weekly federal phone banks, sign up here and if you want to join our weekly local phone banks sign up here sign up here! Tomorrow night we are interviewing some statewide candidates, so join us here! If you want to plug into statewide issues like housing, sign up here

Last, but not least, if you want to get old school and talk directly to someone, one on one style – my email is, and I can’t wait to meet you!  

In Solidarity,