People of PA Won’t Let Trump or Rogue Legislators Prevent Their Voices From Being Heard


PA Stands Up

Philadelphia — Online and in the media, Pennsylvania’s Republican state legislators are signaling their intention to interfere with the process of counting and certifying the result of the 2020 election. These efforts dovetail with a new lawsuit from the Trump campaign that seeks to overturn the will of Pennsylvania’s voters to swear in Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. In response, Hannah Laurison, the executive director of Pennsylvania Stands Up, issued the following statement.

“These attempts by the Trump campaign and its allies in Harrisburg to silence Pennsylvanian’s voices are, quite frankly, pathetic. People of all races, across Pennsylvania, have spoken. Donald Trump lost. Get over it.”

“Last week, community members danced for democracy not just in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, but in places like Lancaster, Allentown, Bloomsburg and Erie.”

“Desperate Republican political operatives, on the other hand, sent men with guns to chant ‘stop the count’ in cities around the country and fancy lawyers in suits to argue the same thing in the courts. You have to ask, why do people who say they love America hate American voters so much?”

“Pennsylvanians don’t have time for sore losers and bruised egos. We didn’t let anything stop us from voting and we’re not going to let anything stop our votes from being counted. We’re ready to get to work solving the pressing issues our communities face. We need public healthcare and good jobs, quality public schooling and a rethinking of community safety. It’s time for Trump and Republican elites to stop playing political games and move on already so we can deliver for working families.”

For more information about the work being done by PA Stands Up and other community organizations to protect voters’ decision in the 2020 election, or to interview Hannah Laurison, please contact Jacob Swenson-Lengyel here.

Photo Credit: A community member in Williamsport, PA demands respect for the foundation of our democracy, namely that our leaders are chosen by voters, not by fiat or decree.