PA Stands Up Praises Wolf’s Proposals to Help Working People, Calls on Him to Include All of Us


PA Stands Up

Now is the time for leaders who deliver for each and every community, no exceptions.

Harrisburg, PA — For years, working people of all races have been pushing Democratic leaders at every level to step up and fight for the values we believe in: a Pennsylvania where hard work earns a living wage, where every family has what they need to thrive, and where the rich contribute their fair share to the common good.

Today, after years of meetings, protests, and marches from PA Stands Up chapters and our allies, Governor Wolf took key steps toward proposing a budget that reflects our values.

“Working families of all races are facing profound challenges as they confront the pandemic, lost jobs, low wages. At the same time, the rich have just gotten richer. That’s why we are pleased to see that the Governor Wolf’s budget adopts the demands that working people have been making for years, such as fair funding for schools, a $15/hr minimum wage, and making the wealthy pay their fair share of taxes,” said Hannah Laurison, Executive Director of PA Stands Up. “Those investments will support all working people, and they’ll also begin to undo entrenched racial and economic wealth disparities.”

At the same time, Laurison said, the Governor and Democrats in Harrisburg need to go farther: “We are deeply disappointed that Governor Wolf’s provision excludes immigrant families from much needed relief. These are our friends, neighbors, and co-workers. They call Pennsylvania home and should be included in every aspect of the budget. Now more than ever, it’s essential that we step up and declare that Pennsylvania is for all of us, no matter what we look like or where we come from.”

As the legislative session continues in Harrisburg and Washington, PA Stands Up plans to continue pushing both Republicans and Democrats to stand on the side of working people. Indeed, in recent weeks, their volunteers have generated thousands of calls to state legislators to stop the Court Stealing (HB38) proposal being put forward by the Pennsylvania GOP. And they don’t plan to stop. Now more than ever, we need leaders who lead. That’s particularly true for Democrats, who have aspirations to hold onto the governorship, take back the state house, and pick up a Senate seat in 2022. If they don’t make a downpayment now on a Pennsylvania that works for all of us, they’ll be in deep trouble come next year.