PA Stands Up Applauds PA Dem Reps for Passing American Rescue Act; Urges Quick, Bold Action from Sens. Casey and Toomey


PA Stands Up

A statement from PA Stands Up Executive Director Hannah Laurison following the passage of the American Rescue Plan by the U.S. House.

“Americans of all races across the country voted to put Democrats in control of our federal government. After Republicans stalled for months while our communities suffered, voters were ready to see a government that cares for working people, instead of catering to large corporations and the wealthy.

The ambitious relief bill passed by House Democrats last night represents a significant down-payment from Democrats to working families. The federal aid included in the bill is essential for addressing the needs of our communities, keeping our state and local government functioning, and tackling the on-going crisis created by COVID. After a year that has uncovered continuing racial and economic inequalities, the bill would also begin to use government as a force for good, making sure support reaches those who need it most: poor and working class families and Black, brown and Indigenous communities.

By staying united around the boldest version of this package, our Democratic representatives to the U.S. House have demonstrated they’re ready to stand up and fight for our communities. Once again, our Republican representatives showed callous disregard for the devastating impact of COVID on our communities, looking out for their corporate donors instead of their constituents.

As the bill moves to the U.S. Senate, we need Sen. Casey to work with the Biden Administration and Senate Democrats to explore every option available to ensure that the bold and essential measures in this bill – including raising the federal minimum wage to $15/hr – become law. Getting rid of the filibuster will ultimately be a key step toward delivering the change Pennsylvanians need, from raising the minimum wage to passing the Equality Act and the For the People Act. Working class Pennsylvanians voting next year to send a new US Senator to Washington need to see Democrats deliver for us. There can be no delays and no excuses.”

To interview Hannah Laurison, please contact Jacob Swenson-Lengyel here.