Hi Friends!
Happy Black History Month!
Not only is February Black History Month, but it is also the anniversary of the 15th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which granted African-American men the right to vote after the Civil War. As a democracy, it’s a reminder of how far we’ve come, but also a reminder of the work that still needs to be done to make sure America works for all of us.
Currently, as working-class people prepare to shape our local, state, and federal governments by voting in the primary election on April 23rd, 2024, the obscenely wealthy are also finalizing their slate of puppet candidates and pouring millions of dollars into our election races to undermine our democracy.
Wealthy corporations and billionaires mistakenly believe they can continue extracting resources from our communities, rolling back our civil rights, and profiting from damaging our environment. But we know that a better future is possible. Our communities are strong, and we keep each other safe.
Our endorsed candidates are working-class people like you and me who are fed up. They are running for office to take a stand against corporate greed and put the welfare of our families and communities at the forefront of their agenda. A vote for PA Stands Up endorsed candidates is a vote to prioritize funding for housing, clean air and water, green jobs, and fair wages rather than for war tax cuts and bailouts for the wealthy.
Remember, we are our ancestors’ wildest dreams. Many of them fought and died for our right to vote and pursue the “American Dream.” Join us in carrying their dreams forward! Together, we can make a difference and ensure that our government works for ALL Pennsylvanians!
2024 is the year of change and progress! We can do this!
In solidarity,
— Eddie
Virtual Campaign Training Series
The campaign training series is an educational opportunity for candidates, campaign staff, and volunteers ready to level up. People interested in running in future elections are also encouraged to attend. You will hear from experienced trainers and elected officials.
We’re Hiring!
PASU is hiring for two positions: Digital Organizer & Traditional Communications Organizer
If you or someone you know is interested, please email Edwin@PAstandsup.org