In line with the national call to action from the Movement for Black Lives, we are calling for a mobilization around Juneteenth, the holiday celebrating the end of slavery following the Civil War. We invite you to join us by taking action from home or in your community the weekend of June 19-21.

In response to the deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Tony McDade, and countless other Black people who have been killed at the hands of vigilanties or law enforcement, millions have taken to the streets with a clear and distinct call to end police violence and to defund police. Combined with COVID-19 and four years of Trumpism, Black communities are demanding: justice; accountability; a divestment from policing; and an investment in healthy, sustainable communities.
In this moment we are seeing plainly how unprepared our government is to navigate a public health crisis and to effectively protect and support its people. Millions are struggling, as politicians fail to make the policy choices that would provide the support that struggling families need in this moment. It feels like no one is at the helm. We’ve been saying for a long time that it’s ‘up to us’ to get ourselves organized into a force that can bring about the kind of changes we know we need. That’s as true today as ever.
The millions of us are here to remind lawmakers that we are bigger than monied interests, including police unions and right-wing think tanks. We know the path away from this disaster. After years of anti-Black violence and animosity for Black life, we demand the defunding of police and an investment in Black communities.
This moment has shown plainly that we need leaders who will actually lead. We need elected representatives who will stand up and fight for working people—for the many, not the few.
It’s #UptoUs. Will you join us next week to take action?