Across our regions, corporations hold a huge amount of power from influencing elections, lobbying elected officials, pushing development of our neighborhoods, and much more.
Pennsylvania Stands Up is a part of a new coalition called the “PAYBAC (People Against Yass, Billionaires, and Corporations) Table” made up of people-powered organizations ready to hold corporations accountable and force their influence out of our political system. We will identify the corporations holding power and influence in our community and we will expose their corruption. We will confront these corporations through direct action and raise awareness to educate the public on the harms of our corporate controlled political system. We will run our own candidates for office, free from corporate influence to directly challenge corporate-backed politicians. We will pressure our current elected officials to stop accepting corporate contributions and will confront Democrats in particular who refuse.
We spent months talking to our neighbors in our counties, exposing Jeffrey Yass and his billionaire cronies through deep canvassing. We also staged large mobilizations around the Commonwealth Foundation through the Freedom Bus Tour with Power Interfaith.