Be the Force for Change in the Valley!


We will remember in November all the times we’ve been let down… and all the times we’ve stood up!

Let’s Own the Truth:
Donald Trump represents capitalist greed. He stokes hate in a divided nation. He emboldens the white supremacists and bigots in our backyards. He legislates with cruelty and injustice for all. He must be stopped and he must be voted out!

How are we going to do it? Watch the video from our statewide mass meeting to find out how to join our team!

Let’s Own the Power:
LVSU is ready to own the narrative and this election. Our multiracial, multi-class, and multi-generational coalition speaks out loudly and clearly: we are done with the Trump regime! A new age of justice and equity is rising! The power to defeat Trump belongs to us, and we must own it! Join us to call, text, table, march and reach out to engage our communities in the election that will decide the fate of our democracy!

You can meet up with us in person or virtually on Saturday September 5th at the Bethlehem Rose Garden for our #FundTheBlock Party!

Let’s Own the Vote:
In spite of the stumbling blocks that Trump and his squad throw in our path, we will win. We will vote our way to victory!

Join us on Wednesday nights to make the critical calls to voters that will defeat Trump! Click here to select a shift.

Will you help us address Pennsylvania’s critical poll worker shortage? You can help make sure we have a safe, fair, efficient election for all voters; poll workers will be given necessary gear to be sure you can stay safe, AND you get paid to do it! Click here to sign up now!

Are you registered to vote? You must complete your application by October 19th. If you have moved or changed your name since you last voted, or need to register to vote for the first time, click here.

Request your mail-in ballot. It’s the safest way to vote during COVID-19. Click here to request a mail in ballot.

This is how we win. We can’t do it without you.