Our communities are in crisis, do your part to help!
When our group last met in person, over 50 people gathered to talk about what we loved about the Valley and how we wanted to change it so that it would work for all of us.
Today, such a gathering would be unlawful and, honestly, it would make me super anxious.
But our fight has not stopped! We talked about the fact that big businesses across the Valley, not just in Allentown, are leeching resources from our communities and that we wanted to see equity.
Right now tenants across the country are reeling and unable to pay rent after losing their jobs due to the virus. This is just piling a crisis on top of another crisis.
It’s time for ALL OF US to reach out to our Representatives and make sure that they are working on a rent freeze for us.
Folks in Lehigh, Northampton, and Monroe counties are deciding right now between going hungry or being homeless. No one should have to live like this. We need action now!
Click this link to sign on and contact your rep today!
Want to be in community with us this weekend? We’re having a virtual house party Saturday April 11 at 2pm on Zoom! It’s hosted by LVSU’s very first official member and 2020 Fellow Leo Atkinson. Join us to figure out how we’re fighting for justice from home!
“If it’s what you do and you can do it, then you do it.”
-Van Morrison, (probably) discussing with his housemates why they should take exactly 2 minutes to call their representatives to demand a rent freeze.
See you at the party!
Ashleigh Strange
Regional Organizer
Lehigh Valley Stands Up
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